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Can you welcome Midge  into your home?

Each year in Australia, over 400,000 calves are born on dairy farms and are deemed as “waste” or “surplus”. Midge was one of those calves. From the moment he was born, a male on a dairy farm, his life seemed destined for a heartbreaking end. 

Male calves in the dairy industry are often seen this way, offering little financial gain to farmers. Like so many others before him, Midge was nearly “disposed of” on the farm or set to be sent on a truck to a slaughterhouse within the first few weeks of his life. This is the grim reality thousands of calves face each day on dairy farms across Australia. 

Midge, once staring down that terrible fate, was lucky to be rescued and adopted. But his new home didn’t work out. As he grew, his family realised they couldn’t provide the companionship their beloved bovine needed. With his best interests at heart, they made the difficult decision to return him to the safety of foster care, where he now waits for a forever home with friends who are similar in size and age and can match his playful spirit and share his zest for life.

Thanks to the kindness of our supporters and donors, we were able to take Midge into foster care and give him a place to call home while he waits for a new loving forever home. Without your support, we wouldn’t have been able to give Midge the second chance he deserves.

Meet Midge, a fun-loving guy who was bottle-raised with all the affection and attention imaginable as a calf. From the moment he was rescued, it was love at first sight. His days were filled with snuggles, playful antics, and heartwarming moments with his human family. But as Midge grew, it became clear that he needed a home with bigger bovine companions who could keep up with him. The older steers he was living with preferred a quiet, peaceful life and weren’t interested in Midge’s playful ways. His family, wanting only the best for him, made the decision to surrender him out of love, knowing he deserved a place where he could live life to the fullest with some friends he can play with. 

He’s always the most playful in any herd—confident and outgoing, with a love for being the centre of attention. He’s the first to initiate races and playful head-butting games. Midge has so much love to give and deserves a nurturing environment where he can flourish alongside other cows. He’s been through a lot: rescued from the dairy industry as a young calf, just days before he was due for slaughter, then taken into a loving home, and later placed in foster care as he grew. Now, he’s patiently waiting for his forever home. 

Curious and inquisitive, Midge is always the first to investigate anything new in his paddock and never misses an opportunity to say hello to a passing visitor. While Midge is confident around humans and other animals, he sometimes forgets his size. He enjoys testing his strength, and he could knock someone over without meaning to. Because of this, Midge needs a home with confident, experienced cow adopters, along with large cows who can hold their own against a playful steer who loves to test his strength. Children are best to enjoy Midge’s company over the fence.

Click ‘Apply Now’ to adopt today and give Midge the forever home his been waiting for. Contact us to learn more about how you can welcome these gentle giants into your life. 


Thank you for your interest in adopting with ‘Til The Cows Come Home – your kindness will help transform a life.

Please fill out this short form and a member of our team will be in touch with you as soon as we can.

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