Hayley & Zoe

A Duo of Delight

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Taken away from their mothers shortly after birth, Hayley and Zoe have endured a traumatic start to life, a beginning no living being deserves. Sadly, many calves face this trauma each day on dairy farms.

Cows on dairy farms need to give birth to produce milk- what happens to the calves is heartbreaking. Males are commonly deemed as “waste” or “Surplus” and are often “disposed of” on the farm or sent on a truck to a slaughterhouse. Females are sometimes kept for future milk production, but when there are enough females on the farm or the female isn’t suitable for future breeding, they face the same heartbreaking fate as the male calves. 

Hayley and Zoe were deemed as “surplus” by the farmer. Thankfully we were contacted to rescue these two girls- Hayley and Zoe are now safe in short-term foster care. 

Hayley and Zoe’s rescue was only possible due to the generosity of our kind donors. 

Hayley and Zoe’s first week was tough, as they battled scours—a common and potentially life-threatening illness in young calves. After being separated from their mother, coupled with the stress of transport to safety and adjusting to a new environment, it often leaves calves vulnerable to scours. Despite these early hardships, these two little fighters have shown remarkable resilience and, with proper care, are now thriving and ready to embrace a brighter future.  

Zoe is the social butterfly of the pair. She’ll happily wander alongside you, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and warmth. She’s known for her playful antics, especially her endearing habit of giving little face nibbles to show her affection. Whether she’s zooming around the paddock or eagerly awaiting her next milk feed, Zoe’s joy is infectious, and she’s sure to bring a smile to your face every day. 

Hayley, while a bit more reserved, is no less sweet. Though she had a tough start, losing some fur during her illness, she’s on the mend and her coat is now growing back beautifully. Hayley’s gentle nature makes her a loving companion, and as she continues to regain her strength, her playful side is beginning to shine through. Her quiet demeanour is a lovely balance to Zoe’s exuberance, making them a perfect pair. 

These two are looking for a special home that can offer them the love and care they deserve. A place with secure fencing, a cosy shelter, and lush pastures where they can continue to grow and play. But more than anything, Hayley and Zoe need a family that will cherish them for the precious, spirited souls they are. 

If you’re ready to welcome Hayley and Zoe into your life, click the ‘Apply Now’ button below and take the first step in giving these two beautiful calves the forever home they deserve. 

Adopting Hayley and Zoe means you’re not just gaining two incredible companions—you’re also helping to save more lives. Every adoption opens the door for another rescue, making a real difference, one calf at a time. 

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