Larry & Curly 

Charming and curious

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Larry and Curly were born into this world as the byproduct of their mother’s milk production – their life worth nothing more.  

Just like humans, cows need to give birth to produce milk. As a result, each year in Australia, over 400,000 calves are born on dairy farms and are deemed as “waste” or “surplus”.  

Male calves are often “disposed of” on the farm or sent on a truck to a slaughterhouse within the first few weeks of their life, as they offer little financial gain to a farmer as they cannot be used for future breeding or milk production.  

This is the heartbreaking reality thousands of calves face each day on dairy farms across Australia.  

Larry and Curly are lucky to now be safe in short-term foster care. Thanks to the generosity of donors, two more precious lives have now been spared.  

Now healthy and feeling cared for, Larry and Curly are ready to find their forever home where they will be loved as companions, not commodities.  

The ideal home for Larry and Curly is one that has good fencing to keep them secure, a shelter to keep them warm and dry, paddocks of pasture to graze upon and a family to give them the love they deserve. 


Introducing to you, the lovable Larry and the energetic Curly. These two calves are best friends, each with their own distinct personalities, yet they perfectly complement each other. 

Beginning with Curly, a lively young Ayrshire who can best be described as the ‘life of the party’. He’s always eager for a game involving a ball in the yard, moving it around and seeing who might be interested in playing along. His favourite pastime includes laps around the shed, with his buddy Larry not far behind. 

At meal times, Curly is always the first in line for dinner time. His charming persona, blended with his curiosity, makes him stand out in any group. He’s definitely an individual with a larger-than-life personality! 

Larry, the taller of the two, is described as a ‘refined English gentleman’. Larry is simple – enjoys a good scratch on his head, and often seems intrigued by the happenings in the yard.

These best buddies are looking for a space where they can continue living their perfect lives – playing, grazing, and living a peaceful life. 

If you have the space, facilities and affection to give Larry and Curly, please click the ‘Apply to adopt’ button below to contact us and start your adoption journey today.  

By opening your home to Larry and Curly, not only do you get the joy of adding two companions into your life, but your decision to adopt has a life-changing impact on the lives of other calves. For every calf adopted, another can be rescued.   

Thanks to a kind-hearted soul, these cuties have now been adopted. More rescue animals need a home, so please send an adoption inquiry today to find your perfect companion. Click here to start your adoption journey today.

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