Willow, Xyris & Zephyr

Trio of Hope

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In the dairy industry, male calves are often seen as surplus and tragically considered ‘waste products.’ Unable to produce milk they are viewed as economically nonviable, instead, they face a horrific fate.

Many farmers find themselves overwhelmed with the number of animals they rear, including female calves, requiring extra care they can not provide. Often, the only solution these farmers see is culling these innocent lives.

At ‘Til The Cows Come Home, we offer a compassionate alternative, providing these calves the chance to live a full and happy life. 

This trio of calves, Xyris, Willow, and Zephyr, are among the lucky ones who have found refuge with us. Their unique personalities and charms have led them to form a close-knit bond making them a delightful group. 

Xyris, a little Jersey calf, is initially reserved but blossoms in the company of his friends. He looks up to Zephyr, following his lead and gains confidence from his example. Xyris may be shy, but his gentle nature makes him incredibly endearing. With the right home, he is sure to flourish even more. 

Willow, the tiniest of the trio, is full of spirit and mischief. Despite her small size, she has a big personality, always eager to run around and encourage her bigger brothers to join in her playful antics. Willow adores a good head scratch, especially during milk feeds, and her affectionate nature shines through these moments. 

With his impressive big ears and charismatic demeanour, Zephyr is the group leader. He is exceptionally social and enjoys interacting with everyone he meets. Zephyr’s intelligence is evident in how quickly he has learned the feeding routine, showing promise for further training that will make handling him a breeze. His vibrant personality ensures he is always the centre of attention. 

These calves are not just looking for any home; they need a place to stay together and grow in a loving environment. They require a home with ample space to roam and play and with caretakers who understand the unique needs of young calves. Ideally, their new family will be one that can provide the patience, care, and affection they deserve, helping them transition from their difficult beginnings to a life filled with joy and security. 

By welcoming Xyris, Willow, and Zephyr into your home, you are not just gaining three delightful calves but offering them a future they could only dream of. Let’s give these little ones the second chance they so desperately need and deserve. 

If you have a forever home filled with unconditional love, please click the ‘Apply to adopt’ button below to start your adoption journey today.  

By opening your home to Willow, Xyris, and Zephyr, not only do you get the joy of adding three companions into your life, but your decision to adopt has a life-changing impact on the lives of other calves. For every calf adopted, another can be rescued.   

Thanks to a kind-hearted soul, these cuties have now been adopted. More rescue animals need a home, so please send an adoption inquiry today to find your perfect companion. Click here to start your adoption journey today.

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