Veganuary is over for another year, but what’s next? Whether you’re sticking with a plant-based diet, aren’t quite ready to make a permanent switch or need some extra motivation to help you along the way, here are five useful tips to help you on your journey.
1. Time to reflect
This tip is about recognising where you are in order to figure out where you want to go.
Consider writing down your wins of the last month, what’s still in progress, as well as anything you want to let go of. Did you have any slip-ups? What did you miss most during Veganuary?
After reflecting, look ahead to what you want to do next month. What do you want to achieve and what do you want to work on? How does this work in practice?
Plan weekly or monthly goals, perhaps start by choosing one habit you’d like to incorporate into your lifestyle and once you’ve got the hang of it, consider adding in another.
Remember: progress over perfection, you don’t need to be fully vegan to make a difference. Animal products can sneak into everything, even the most unexpected items. Always check the label but don’t be upset if you slip up. Just pick yourself up and keep going, it’s better to be trying and making mistakes than not trying at all.
2. Find your support network
Surround yourself with like-minded people who can provide valuable resources and encourage you along the way.
Get comfortable with putting yourself out there– join a local or online group, use social media, or get involved in some volunteering work that gives back to the plant-based community.
3. Get out there and try it all!
Gone are the days of limited vegan options with your only choice being a boring salad.
Download Happy Cow, an incredible worldwide app that shows you vegan-friendly cafes and restaurants in your local area. This is an amazing way to find places to eat and a useful tool to help you stay on track when travelling.
Choosing a plant-based lifestyle doesn’t need to deter you from engaging in social outings. Plan ahead when dining out and look up the menu in advance to help you figure out your options, and don’t be afraid to ask for vegan modifications on a menu you will be (surprised just how many places are happy to make the changes!).
4. Try your hand in the kitchen
If you haven’t already, start by investing in vegan cookbooks that can help guide you but also serve as a great source of inspiration for tasty and fun recipes– showing that vegan food is anything but boring!
To help you continue eating more plants into the future, try to make your favourite meals once or twice a week and lean on simple and delicious recipes that you can fall back on in a pinch.
Try meal prepping or plan some meals in advance, for those days you can’t be bothered to cook (we all have them!).
Consider what a meal is made up of, protein, carbs, fat and lots of micronutrients. Mircornutriants are simple– lots of diverse veggies.
Protein is where you need to make a switch, this could be with beans and legumes or Tofu and Tempe. Lots of veggies are also high in protein like broccoli, peas and spinach.
Fats can be found in lots of healthy sources such as nuts, seeds and avocados.
Choose meals you enjoy and find ways to make them vegan (every meal can be made vegan!)
Or start small by switching cows milk for plant-based options or honey to maple or rice malt syrup.
5. Remember why
Lastly, remember why you’re doing it.
Whether you’ve made the decision to go plant-based for the animals or environment or both – keep reminding yourself of your motivation and how you’re contributing to making the world a kinder, more compassionate place each and every day with the choices you make.
Remember how you are skipping milk in your coffee for animals like Rosie and her baby Ragnor.
Before entering our care, Rosie experienced severe pain due to a foot injury, making it difficult for her to walk. She continued to endure years of milking until she could no longer keep up with the gruelling routine. Rosie was scheduled to be sold – most likely to a slaughterhouse.
During this time she also birthed two calves, both of which were taken from her.
On many dairy farms, cows like Rosie are separated from their calves shortly after birth so the mothers can return to milk production. This separation causes immense distress for both the mother and her calf.
The calves, often considered “waste,” are frequently sent to slaughter or raised in poor conditions until they meet the same fate.
The mothers, in turn, are milked continuously until their bodies can no longer handle the strain, leading to a shortened, painful existence.
Waiting for her heartbreaking fate, Rosie was found to be pregnant. Australian law prohibits the slaughter of a pregnant cow, giving Rosie and her unborn calf a glimmer of hope. Generous support from kind people like you changed their fate, it was their lifeline.
Only with your support, in this brief window of hope, we were able to rescue Rosie and her newborn calf, Ragnar. This little family received the medical care and support they needed. Ragnor will never know the pain his mother endured, he will only know love.
Lives like theirs are who you are saving.
If you would like to support the rescue of calves from dairy farms– you can do so now ❤️
Your compassion and dedication to change speaks volumes, thank you.