Pippa was just a baby, but she already was fighting for her life.
Pippa was born into a home that did not know how to care for her. Born into a flock of sheep that were neglected and suffering. Many were extremely emaciated, with worm-filled bellies and no access to shade or shelter.
Late last year, ‘Til The Cows Come Home stepped in. We rescued all 13 sheep, including Pippa.
Unfortunately, not all of them survived.
When Pippa was rescued, her tail had been docked, leaving behind a badly infected wound. She had never been vaccinated, which led to her to develop a life-threatening infection.
To our horror, she then started showing signs of paralysis.

As Pippa’s condition worsened, we were told it was touch-and-go as to whether she would survive or ever be able to walk again.
Our truly inspiring Foster Carers spent day and night by her side, keeping her in their home to ensure she was never alone. They tirelessly provided her with physiotherapy to strengthen her legs and even hand-built her a walker. Allowing and encouraging her to regain her strength.
Each day she began to get stronger and stronger, her fighting spirit astonishing us all.
Often illnesses like these are not treated in farmed animals, as the cost is deemed to outweigh their value. They are simply “disposed of”.
We stand against that notion and treat each and every animal we rescue with the same dedication and determination we would ourselves. Never calculating the value of a life, always doing whatever it takes to save them.
When asked to describe Pippa in one word her Foster Carers, Ben and Salz said, “Determined! This little girl wanted to live, she has fought the whole way!”.
And live she did, Pippa fought through it all and took her very first happy lamb leaps – not a dry eye was present.

Sadly, Pip’s suffering could have been avoided with a simple vaccination.
Pippa’s foster family said the one thing they wished people knew, to avoid this happening again, is the importance of vaccinations, “We routinely vaccinate dogs and cats but paddock pets need it too! Tetanus can be prevented by vaccination.”
We hope Pippa’s story will help bring attention to this, that her bravery and determination will stand for something. We want an end to the neglect of farmed animals and to inspire the beginning of treating them as we would any other pet.
Treating them as companions, not commodities.
We know Pippa stole the hearts of thousands online and her spirit continues to inspire.
Today, Pippa is a symbol of hope and resilience, inspiring others to fight for what they believe in. Her bravery and determination have shown us that with love, care, and support, anything is possible.
That is not all to this story however, Pippa has found her fairy tale happy ending. Her devoted Foster Carers, Ben and Sal could not break the bond they have built with this special little girl and have decided to adopt her!
She will now spend forever in their loving care. A match truly made in heaven.